Last Version: 2.1
Requirments: PHP 4 or up and Apache Web Server
This is a php based script malware remover using backup method.
Clean Web Site script can help you to keep clean and safe your site files to prevent
iframe insertion, src
virus injection, malware, backdoor or other attacks which change your site files content.
after you upload a fresh and clean site files you will make a backup files from Clean Web Site
Clean Web Site will check every 6 hours in cron job (you can set the interval from your cron job) if your site files is the same with the last backup made
if your site files was changed, remove or add other Clean Web Site will send you an email with status of your files changed as date of changing, old and new size
if this files was not changed by you after the last backup mean was changed by hacker, you must restore quickly your site files from the last clean backup
What happen if you or you change files and don't make backup after changing ? You will receive a message from
Clean Web Site with status of your files changed and you will find your changing which is not made by hacker, so is not dangerous, you must make backup to have the last version of your site files.
Price: only 50euro
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